Please note: The appearance of the bouquet may slightly differ from the image due to seasonality or availability of flowers. We will inform you personally about any changes 🌸. This may include changes in the color of some flowers in the bouquet or replacing missing flowers with those available, in accordance with §434 BGB. If you are not satisfied with the proposed option, we will discuss another one with you or offer a refund.
50 White Naomi Roses Bouquet with Delivery in Larnaca BlumenHorizon is a symbol of purity, elegance, and sophistication. These magnificent roses with large, snow-white petals and a refined fragrance make a perfect gift for special occasions such as February 14th or March 8th. Surprise your loved ones with this bouquet to express tenderness, sincerity, and admiration.
BlumenHorizon stands for impeccable quality, a personal touch, and a deep passion for flowers. Share joy and beauty with us!